🎙️ A Certified Breeder's Secret to Success in Selling to TellTail Buyers

The dog breeding industry is evolving, and platforms like TellTail are at the forefront of this change.

TellTail connects certified dog breeders with potential pet buyers, emphasizing responsible breeding practices, transparency, and community-building.

But how can breeders maximize their success on this innovative platform?

Kirsten of Mercy Mountain Doodles shares her insights in an exclusive interview with Liza, TellTail's Head of Community.


The importance of mentorship and specialization

In any industry, the value of mentorship cannot be overstated, and the dog breeding world is no exception.

Kirsten's journey into breeding began with a five-year apprenticeship under experienced breeders in Colorado. This period allowed her to gain hands-on experience and absorb invaluable knowledge that would later shape her own breeding program.

"It's so helpful to learn from other people because you get to learn from their mistakes.”

The combination of mentorship and specialization has been a cornerstone of Kirsten's success. Her years under mentorship equipped her with the skills and knowledge she needed to run a responsible and ethical breeding program. Her specialization, on the other hand, allowed her to carve out a unique niche in the market, meeting specific needs that many families have. This synergy has not only made her stand out on platforms like TellTail but has also contributed to the overall quality and reputation of her breeding program.

Discovering TellTail

In today's digital age, the internet is flooded with platforms that promise to connect breeders with potential buyers.

However, not all platforms are created equal, and finding one that aligns with a breeder's values and goals can be a challenge.

For Kirsten, the discovery of TellTail was serendipitous but impactful. She stumbled upon TellTail while browsing a Facebook page dedicated to breeders discussing various marketing strategies.

"I'm always going to look for platforms that are those connecting pieces that are going to create a safe place for both buyers and breeders.”

The fact that Kirsten found TellTail through a community discussion underscores the power of peer recommendations. Breeders often face similar challenges, from ethical considerations to marketing hurdles. Online communities serve as a valuable resource for sharing experiences and solutions.

One of the standout features that caught Kirsten's attention was TellTail's tech-enabled badge and certification process.

In a world where online presence is crucial, these badges serve as a seal of approval, signaling to potential buyers that a breeder is genuine and adheres to high standards.

This feature not only helps breeders stand out but also gives buyers peace of mind, knowing they are dealing with a certified and responsible breeder.

For Kirsten, TellTail wasn't just another platform to list her breeding program; it was a platform that aligned with her values of transparency, trust, and responsible breeding. The certification process, the badge, and the community focus all resonated with her, making her decision to join TellTail a natural fit for her breeding program.

Lead nurturing tactics

In the world of dog breeding, where competition is fierce and buyers are increasingly cautious, lead nurturing becomes a critical skill.

For Kirsten, the key to successful lead nurturing lies in a combination of timely responses, personalized communication, and a genuine interest in helping the buyer.

"I want to be the first breeder that responds to them.”

In a digital age where attention spans are short and options are numerous, being the first to respond can make a significant difference. Kirsten even has notifications set up to alert her of new match emails, ensuring she doesn't miss an opportunity.

Kirsten's first email serves as a brief but impactful introduction to her breeding program.

She outlines what she specializes in and what her commitments are as a breeder. This initial email sets the tone for the relationship, providing the potential buyer with a snapshot of her values and expertise. It's not a sales pitch but rather an invitation to engage in a meaningful dialogue about responsible pet ownership.

To expedite her response time, Kirsten employs pre-written scripts that she keeps handy on her devices. These scripts serve as a foundation that she can quickly customize to suit the individual lead.

"I have a pre-written script that I customize to make it more personal.”

This approach allows her to maintain the balance between speed and personalization, ensuring that her initial outreach is both quick and meaningful.

Approximately 48 hours after the initial contact, Kirsten sends a second email.

This email takes a different approach, focusing less on her program and more on the buyer's needs

"My second email is more about like, 'Hey, what are you looking for?' I get a really high response rate to that.”

This authenticity resonates with buyers, often leading to higher engagement and response rates.

"This email opens the door for a more vulnerable conversation, focusing on helping the buyer find the best fit rather than pushing my own litters.”

Kirsten doesn't stop at the second email; she continues to engage with potential buyers, offering further information and answering any questions they may have. This ongoing communication helps build a relationship of trust and respect, increasing the likelihood of a successful purchase.

👻 Dealing with ghosting

In the realm of sales and customer engagement, ghosting—where a potential buyer suddenly stops responding—is an all-too-common occurrence.

For breeders, who often invest a great deal of emotional energy into their work, being ghosted can feel like a personal rejection.

However, Kirsten offers a refreshing perspective on how to handle this inevitable aspect of the sales process.

"My confidence is not in my email response rate; it's in the fact of what I'm doing, investing in my dogs and investing in my program.”

By focusing on the value and integrity of her work, Kirsten is able to detach her self-worth from the unpredictable behaviors of potential buyers.

It's crucial to remember that ghosting is rarely a personal attack.

Buyers are often overwhelmed with options and information, and they may not have the time or emotional bandwidth to provide a formal response to every inquiry.

Kirsten advises breeders to keep the bigger picture in mind. Ghosting is a universal experience in sales, not an isolated event that only happens to certain individuals or businesses.

"Everybody does [get ghosted] on any platform. And that's not just related to breeders; that's related to the sales industry.”

While Kirsten acknowledges that ghosting is a part of the sales process, she also believes in the value of follow-up.

A gentle reminder or a second email can sometimes rekindle a conversation that had gone cold. However, she advises against being overly persistent, as this can turn off potential buyers. The key is to strike a balance between showing continued interest and respecting the buyer's space.

At the end of the day, Kirsten advises breeders to focus on what they can control: the quality of their breeding program and the well-being of their animals.

"Investing in my dogs and investing in my program—that's where my true confidence lies.”

By maintaining this focus, breeders can navigate the ups and downs of customer engagement with grace and poise.

Advice for aspiring TellTail breeders

Joining a platform like TellTail is a significant step for any breeder, whether they're a seasoned veteran or just starting out. Kirsten, who has found success and community on TellTail, offers valuable insights for those considering taking the plunge.

First and foremost, Kirsten advises breeders to view TellTail not merely as a sales platform but as a vibrant, supportive community.

"We have a really, really great encouraging group of breeders.”

This community aspect can be particularly beneficial for those who are new to the industry or looking to expand their network. From sharing best practices to offering moral support, the community can serve as a valuable resource.

She also highlights the utility of TellTail's tech-enabled badge and QR code, which she uses as a mobile business card to direct people to her TellTail profile. She has found this to be an excellent tool for networking and directing people to her TellTail profile when she's out and about.

"I use it as a mobile business card to direct people to my TellTail profile.”

This allows her to effortlessly share a snapshot of her program, including her credentials and what she specializes in, even when she's on the go.

Kirsten emphasizes that the learning doesn't stop once you've joined TellTail. The platform offers various educational resources, mentorship opportunities, and even 1+1 support, making it a holistic solution for breeders at any stage of their career.

"It's not just about sales; it's about education and continuous improvement.”

Another aspect that Kirsten appreciates is the customer support provided by TellTail, which is staffed by breeders who understand the unique challenges and questions that may arise.

"Our customer support team is breeders.”

This highlights the specialized knowledge and understanding you can expect when you need help.


Success on TellTail involves more than just listing your breeding program; it's about community, quick and meaningful communication, and a genuine desire to match the right puppy with the right family.

Kirsten's approach to lead nurturing and her focus on community and education make her a standout example for breeders looking to elevate their presence online.


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